You must have seen the rotating round equipment on industrial roofs. They are called turbo ventilators or eco ventilators whose purpose is to help to vent the hot air from inside the premises into the atmosphere. Turbo ventilators are self-driven equipment installed on the roofs to extract inside air. They dont require additional energy as they are operated by the atmospheric wind and in doing so, inside air is exhausted through it and the natural inward flow of fresh air is boosted.
Despite appearing a little complicated at the first glance, it is a piece of fairly simple equipment with minimum parts but provides a significant number of benefits. Lets have a look at them.
As the name suggests, aturbo ventilatorprovides easy ventilation for all structures and help in moving damp, moist air outside the building which could otherwise cause damage to equipment used in the building. Accumulation of moisture and dampness can cause rusting in metal equipment and can provide a favourable environment for different kinds of bacteria and fungi.
Turbo ventilators allow the circulation of fresh air in the premises and prevent damages caused by mould, fungi and moisture.
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Turbo ventilators on roofs consume lesser space compared to other methods of ventilation and they are much more effective. Comparatively, other ventilations like ridge vents require more space and are not as effective. Turbo ventilators are flexible and can be placed at almost any optimum place on theroof.
Turbo ventilators are completely self-driven and dont require any energy source like electricity. They are operated by the wind and can keep running endlessly without supplying any energy. Even slight wind on the rooftops is enough to operate it. This way they result in huge cost savings.